
INCEPTION: the Dream Room.
Creating, Inhabiting, Navigating and Playing Paradoxical, Impossible, Implausible or Dream-like spaces.
Fall 2016-18
Instructor: Carla Leitao
The project of the INCEPTION Studio was to fully design and play an immersive spatial game where audiovisual experiences are part of a structured reward system. The studio inquired into the potential of designing, creating, ‘spatializing’ and experiencing spatio-sonic experiences which are paradoxical: the range of spaces studied/tested will encompass near-implausibility to suspension of disbelief.
Project credit: Huajie Ma/Shane Alzheimer (Fall 2018) 



Project credit: Ivan Leon 


Project credit: Laura Hulse/Dariga Akhmetova 

Project credit: Laura Hulse/Dariga Akhmetova 

Project credit: Emily Klein, Ivan Leon, Christian Garland


Project credit: Richard Abendroth/Amaory Portorreal

The project of the INCEPTION Studio was to fully design and play an immersive spatial game where audiovisual experiences are part of a structured reward system. The studio inquired into the potential of designing, creating, ‘spatializing’ and experiencing spatio-sonic experiences which are paradoxical: the range of spaces studied/tested will encompass near-implausibility to suspension of disbelief.
The studio looked into the potential of virtual architecture platforms and immersive conditions to allow inhabitation of spaces that are not easily rendered through 3D space and matter, but which have a clear space in the imagination, including: spatial paradoxes,  3 1/2D & 4D space, non-spatial dimensions, perspectives, projections, parallax, infinite spaces, juxtapositions, simultaneities, and networks (node and link spaces).
Richard Abendroth
Dariga Akhmetova
Christian Garland
Min He
Mincong Huang
Laura Hulse
Emily Klein
Ivan Leon
Amaory Portorreal
Nicholas Pretel
Alexander Schneiderman
Zhanqing Xu