
Planetology: BIODROME Studio at the CRAIVE Lab. Carla Leitao, RPI SoA
Airport Design in the Age of Pervasive Epidemics: Long-Span meets Micro-Scan
Terminal Architecture . Death and Life of/in Well-Tempered Airports
Fall 2014/Spring 2015
Instructor: Carla Leitao
Committee Member: Ted Krueger
CRAIVE Lab hosted the Final Review for the BIODROME studio of the Planetology series.

The studio produced AIRPORT architectures that intersect with new concerns and problematics of BIOSECURITY. Designing new forms that can emerge from the integration of 3 types of architectural diagrams: LONG_SPAN buildings that accommodate large flows of people, and which have visibility and commercial ambitions (top-down structures); the diagrams of INVISIBLE contagion or illness as they spread through social and material interactions, the tendencies of which we can model in what seem to be bottom-up structures, but whose larger ambitions we do not know; and the diagrams of QUARANTINE, triage and contention, so familiar, ambiguous and controversial for the architecture discipline.


Project credit: Schuyler Pratt

Project credit: Ryan Hao

Project credit: Paul Chen

Project credit: Dan Li

Project credit: Georgeanna Foley

 Project credit: Ryan Hao

Project credit: Ryan Hao

 Project credit: Paul Chen

Project credit: Ryan Hao

CRAIVE Lab was a perfect tool to jump across the varying scales of the project in a realistic environment and juxtapose diagrammatic aspects of projects that were a material aspect of the real spatial effects of the proposal.

Schuyler Pratt
Ryan Hao
Georgeanna Foley
Elias Jackson
Dan Li
Paul Chan
Chloe Mahoney
Gaetano Licata
Alec Dumond
Andrew Van Meerbeke
Elise Benedict
Ana Cardenas
Itzli Ceja